Soul and Skin
where rejuvenation begins
Time and space to reconnect with the real you
When did you last take some quality time just for you? massage bromsgrove
Let’s face it, we all lead hectic lives.
There is pressure on us and our precious time from all sides: family, work, friends, organisations we might be involved with, or just the day-to-day pressures of life itself with all the worries that can come with it.
All of this leads to an unbalanced life, and there’s only so much you can give out.
If you don’t take time to refresh and replenish, you cannot give the very best of you.
So you end up stressed, burned out and empty.
My name is Vicky, and I created Soul and Skin to give you the opportunity to recharge, reset and restore through the wonders and power of massage therapy.
Imagine an hour or so dedicated purely to you and your wellbeing – 60 minutes to de-stress and unwind through a massage that is specifically tailored to you and your own individual needs so you can reconnect with the real you, emerge rebalanced and rejuvenated – with a new energy and revitalised, healthier and happier. massage bromsgrove
And isn’t that, at the end of the day, all we really want?
Your Treatments
There are five treatments I offer at the moment – all centred around you, your needs and the difference you want your treatment to have.
Further treatments will be added to this list soon … so watch this space.
Indian Head
This focuses on massaging pressure points along the head, neck, and shoulders, often using circular strokes to improve hair and scalp condition.
One of the most popular forms of massage therapy, this is designed to help you relax, release muscle tension and improve joint flexibility.
Restoring both body and soul, this alternates between gentle and firmer pressure while using a blend of essential oils specific to you.
Stone Therapy Massage
The ultimate de-stresser! This treatment works on energy points located throughout the body to rebalance and harmonise and may be ideal for pain relief.
Sports Massage
Sports Massage is a deeper, slower massage than Swedish with more intense pressure to target specific muscles that are causing discomfort, relieve pain, and restore movement.
Facial Treatments
Only using cruelty-free and vegan formulas from Temple Spa, choose from four luxurious facials that are guaranteed to leave you and your skin feeling toned, refreshed and rejuvenated.
The power and purpose of massage bromsgrove
Have you ever wondered where the term ‘wellness’ comes from?
In past times, each area would have a water source that was a place of healing and wholeness – where an individual would journey to experience restoration and a renewed sense of purpose in their community. These places were called wells.
Today, we don’t make a journey to a well – a specific source of life-giving water – but we go to other places to receive exactly the same transformation. Wellness isn’t just about a physical healing but a rebalancing of mind, body and soul – bringing all three in harmony with each other so we can be restored and rejuvenated.
While massage therapy is not the only way to receive wellness, there is a real power in the tactile nature of it, a tangible bringing together of the three core parts of you and bringing them back into alignment so that you are refreshed and recharged ready to face all that life holds.
There’s one other element in all of this – taking the time just for you.
There’s something deeply powerful in taking precious time out to look after you – to put yourself first.
In doing so you recognise your own value and declaring to yourself “I am worth this.”
And when you do – transformation can begin.
That is the power and purpose of massage therapy.
rebalance. reset. restore.
What to expect from your treatment
This is friendly, confidential conversation that will help me tailor your massage to you and your specific needs, whilst also taking into account any medical issues you may have. Different massages bring different benefits so this chat will enable me to understand which one is right for you whether you’re looking for pain relief, easing of tense muscles, increased mobility, stress relief or just simply quality some me-time and relaxation. Please note that there are a few conditions where massage is not possible, but please feel free to call me in advance to chat this through if you have any concerns.
The Massage
This is your time.
Time to stop. Time to let go.
Time to relax your mind and body.
Massage therapy is more than just a physical process – there is something deeper going on. Because of this, your body will respond to the treatment in subtle ways and so it’s part of my job to ‘listen’ to these messages and tailor the massage so you emerge refreshed, revitalised and rejuvenated.
massage bromsgrove
Whatever the reason for your massage, you’ve invested quality time in yourself and you want to get the maximum benefit from it. So it’s really important for you to allow time following your treatment to not rush back into the busyness of your every day. Please take this into consideration when booking your session and don’t go straight from your massage to the school run! In order for you to take full advantage of your treatment I will, once your session is completed, give you some useful hints and tips on how to make the most from your time and how to maintain the benefits on an ongoing basis.

Why choose Soul and Skin?
There are loads of really great massage therapists locally so why would you choose me?
It’s not about what I do, but why.
My name is Vicky and I have always wanted to help people. It’s just who I am.
I initially trained as a therapy radiographer – treating cancer patients with radiation therapy.
I’d see people at their very lowest and try to use my training, skills and empathic nature to try to bring a bit of light and hope into their world.
I’m an adoptive mum to three incredible, resilient kids who have probably taught me far more than I could ever teach them. Yes, there are days when I wish we’d just had more dogs (!) but it is the privilege of my life to help raise, nurture, empower and equip them to be the people they are becoming.
I’ve had my own mental health battles and so I’ve learned the incredible power in taking time for me and seen the impact it has had on my own life and those around me.
Since 2020 I’ve been running my own skin care company through Temple Spa and I chose to work with them because of their core belief that that your body is a living temple and you must honour it, enjoy your life and live it to the full. I believe that I can help people do that through the power of massage therapy.
So, I’m a Christian, a cub leader (and therefore fully DBS checked and first aid trained), a mum, a wife, a sister, a daughter and a friend. I’ve climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and I love a good G&T.
If you’ve connected with what you read here, then I might be the right massage therapist for you.
Use the contact info or form below and let’s have a conversation and see if I can help you reconnect with the real you.
Get In Touch
Whether you want to book a session or have simply got some questions then simply fill in the form below.
I look forward to hearing from you. massage bromsgrove